Monday, July 13, 2009

Safari Through the Word Ministries July- August 2009 Blog

Hi Friends:

We have not being in touch with you for a while. We went through a purchase of a home in South Florida and became re established in the USA after moving back from Africa.

Our second oldest daughter Hannah has gone to Pensacola Christian Academy to complete her 12 grade as a boarder. Because our children have been home schooled all their lives, boarding with other kids in the 12th grade is a distinctive treat.

We will be flying Lexy, our oldest, to New York City next week to transfer as a sophomore to Marymount Manhattan College and pursue her burgeoning career as a theater stage manager.

The "emptying nest syndrome" is difficult for Mary and me who have enjoyed God’s blessings of a tightly knit family for twenty years. We are thrilled however to find out how Jesus will mold our children's destinies as they step out on their own.

We are assistant pastors at Doral Vineyard in Miami, Florida, along with lead pastors Ralph and Cathy Gomez. Part of the activity that we are carrying out at Doral is to usher in a work of revival which will impact South Florida.

Genuine revival is not merely a display of the power of God at a specific meeting with specific miraculous results. Rather it is the protracted outpouring of the Holy Spirit week after week, month after month, and even year after year which will impact and transforms a city, a state, a country and even the world.

Mary and I find ourselves actively praying and counseling many who are being adversely affected by the moral and financial crisis which is enveloping the USA.

The Lord has blessed us with a healing ministry. We are in the midst of praying for many who are combating the ravages of cancer and other terminal diseases. We have seen healings in a number of cases and with numerous others precious ones, we continue to battle these diseases along side of them through faith and prayer.

We are blessed to have Carol Steinberg Albanese join our board of directors. She brings an amazing combination of dependability, knowledge of many things pertaining to corporations, finances, legal stuff, and plain ole business savvy. Carol is virtually a jack of all trades and a master of some.

As to our personal ministry, Safari Through the Word Ministries, the Lord is re- launching us once again into our global teaching conferences.

In the month of July we travelled to Ohio to minister in the "Second Annual Ohio Healing and Prophetic Explosion."

In September 23-27 we will have be having a major and unprecedented
Navajo Prophetic Conference in Farmington, New Mexico.

We are praying and talking about going back to Kenya in early December for the annual
School of Fire Conference in Maasai land where an authentic modern day revival is occurring.

We have our
expositional teaching site available with pertinent teachings for the church from the original Hebrew and Greek. These teachings are free and downloadable.

We now have a
Yahoo Group for our ministry which you can join for free. We will issue updates, a monthly expositional teaching, and you will have a chance to post comments, opinions or questions about the ministry.

The Mandate of Safari Through the Word Ministries, Inc.

Safari Through the Word Ministries (STTWM) is nonprofit corporation which creates "tailor-made" expositional Bible seminars and conferences for home and church meetings. Jose takes from twenty years of Bible study in its original languages and fashions the Biblical materials to meet the demands of any ministry on essential Biblical topics. Pastors, or church leader, tell us what seminar you would like us to produce for you from the material on our web site. Our ministry comes out to yours anywhere around the world.

(STTWM) Believes that the world desperately seeks someone to worship, is starved to witness power and glory, and craves to fill its emptiness with present hope and life forever. All of these things are actualized in the glorious Person of Jesus Christ. This ministry labors to display the Christ to the world by word, love, and the power of the Holy Ghost in miracles, prophecy, healings, signs and wonders.

John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself."

(STTWM) activate people in their spiritual gifts and establishes home ministry groups globally. We will come to your meetings and assist you in accomplishing this.

(STTWM) operates partially as a prophetic ministry that touches the lives of thousands of people through the impartation of God’s destiny.

(STTWM) operates partially as a healing ministry which impacts the lives of hundreds of people through the healing power of Jesus Christ.

(STTWM) reaches out to all of God’s people, but a large portion of Bible conferences are done amongst “the forgotten global people groups” such as Native Americans and Africans.

(STTWM) provides life changing missions’ opportunities to believers who join us as “team ministers” on these global Bible conferences.

(STTWM) licenses and ordains ministers of the Gospel.

(STTWM) donates finances to worthy ministerial projects in Africa and South America, without overhead, and always into the right hands!

Safari Through the Word Ministries is a 501C3 tax exempt ministry registered with the State of Florida. We issue tax receipts at the year’s end for your tax deductions. Our ministry is faith based. The extent of our projects is limited by the money which comes in to us. We live a simple life of faith so that money which we receive can extend the purposes of God's kingdom here on earth.

Please send your financial donations by check or money order payable to:

Safari Through the Word Ministries
5725 NW 114 Path # 102 Doral,
Florida 33178-4195
Thank you!

Jose and Mary