Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Was Messed Up Agnostic Who Came to Know that Jesus Was The Only One

I had a supernatural experience with Jesus Christ in 1979 which radically altered my whole life.

Though my family had been Catholics in Cuba, it was simply in name, because we hardly ever went to church. I remember as a four year old kid during Good Fridays in Havana, that radio stations would only play somber and quite messages commemorating the Christ whom had been crucified for the sins of the world. I still recollect sitting in my father’s car as the announcer spoke austerely about Jesus, and I peered into the graying sky of dusk just knowing that there had to be a God.

I never prayed growing up as a teen. We lived in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands in the late sixties. There I had to do a Catholic confirmation. I went to a priest who was sitting behind a dark grail and had to confess all my youthful sins. I was so darn nervous.

At the age of fifteen I began drinking beer. I was accepted to Vanderbilt University in Nashville at the age of 18 and left my family in the Caribbean as an absolutely lost, frail, and totally insecure young man. It wasn’t more than a few months later that I was smoking tons of marijuana from bongs and reefers, abused my body with bi amphetamine 50’s ( black beauties), during midterms and finals, took some occasional Quaaludes, went to TGI Fridays, got bombed, dated girls…..the whole scene.

Vanderbilt is called “The Harvard of the South” and fitting is that title. At Vandy one must be a relatively decent student to get C’s, an excellent student to get B’s and a zombie study fanatic with absolutely no social life to make A’s. You can imagine me on drugs, so lonely, lost and insecure. I was making D’s!

I began to date a girl who had serious psychological issues. One night she telephoned me in an extremely depressed mood. She was suicidal. As I desperately tried to encourage her on the phone I heard her open up a bottle of pills. As I frantically talked to her, she passed out on the phone. Madly I ran a mile to the girl’s dorm and told the security guard what had happened. The RA and other girls barged into her room and found her passed out. They were able to make her vomit and by a miracle of God she did not die.

That night, I think that I came close to recognizing what a nervous breakdown is. I felt like a vegetable. I could not think, I could not function or process and I felt paralyzed and comatose. I regained my senses, but in the ensuing weeks I developed a deep insomnia and persistent chest pains.

One night after that I laid crumpled on the bed of my tiny room in the Carmichael Towers, totally engulfed with self-pity, hopelessness, and fear. I had made an appointment the next day to go the campus nurse because I was petrified of the chest pains which I was getting.

My brother George, who is now deceased, was a freshman at Vanderbilt as well. He came to visit me. He had had an experience with Jesus Christ through the folks from the Campus Crusade for Christ. As I laid on my bed, George told me, “Why don’t you ask Jesus to heal your heart.” After speaking to me a bit more he left.

In the darkness of my bedroom I cried out in desperation to the unknown God whom I had never prayed to. I said, “God if you are real please heal me!” After crying out some more, I suddenly felt an invisible hand reach into and inside my chest. It felt like a painless spiritual surgery. I passed out into a deep sleep similar to what happens when you are administered sodium pentothal in a surgery.  In the morning, I woke up and realized that I had missed the appointment to the campus nurse. All of the chest pains and anxiety were gone. I was absolutely healed.

I began to hang out with the Campus Crusade for Christ folks. I will never forget that even in those lost and dark days, there was something so different about them. Their love, kindness, peace, and holy living not just to me but amongst themselves attracted me in a mysterious way. I could not put my finger on it then, but I knew that they were unlike me and all of my druggie friends. One day I asked them that if I followed Jesus I would have to give up my partying. I was so scare that this Jesus was out to rob all of my fun. All that I knew were the serious and somber Catholic priests whom I had encountered and seemed to have no fun as Christians. The Campus Crusade people told me that I in some way would have to give up my partying.

I turned my back upon Jesus and went back to the bars and drugs of Nashville. Five more years of this lifestyle finally did me in. I dropped out of Vandy as a junior and went to Key Biscayne, Florida where my family was now living. When I flew in to Miami my parents were in the heat of a divorce after twenty eight years of marriage. My father packed up his bags one day and left our home, never to come back. 

Two more years passed. I was unemployed, drinking and taking more drugs. One night I was with a girl at Rickenbacker Causeway. We had the pipe and a baggie of pot out in the car. All of a sudden a brilliant and blinding light shone through one of the windows of the car. It was a policeman. I know now that God was protecting me though I hardly knew Him. The cop just told us to get out of the beach. So many times I drove to and fro from Joe Flannigan’s Big Daddy’s wasted, stoned, and dead drunk through the streets of Miami, yet without getting into an accident. The gracious and Almighty God protected me. His love is so great.

In 1979, my father hired me to be a file clerk at his insurance company on SW 1st Street and 13th Avenue in what we call with endearment “Little Havana.” By that time my life had hit the rock bottom. I went to see a prestigious lady psychologist who had treated me in Cuba twenty years earlier for a severe speech impediment. Now in her 70’s, I recounted to her how messed up my life was. She said to me “Jose, get close to God” At that moment a light darted through me. I remembered the kindness of the Campus Crusade people whom I had met five years earlier. I am sure now that they had been praying for me all of those years.

Next to my father’s office was an empty Episcopalian church which was always opened. I was so broken, so fearful, and so helpless. During my lunch breaks, I began to go into the empty church and pray to the God whom I did not know. I had been doing some spiritual searching and had been reading about tarot cards.

I did not know if God was Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna or Confucius. For about ten days I went to the empty church, got on my knees and cried out to the roof of the church for help and mercy. Nothing happened; there were no bright lights, no voices, just stark silence. Close to the tenth day a Presence of the sweetest, most innocent, and most delightful love came upon me and enveloped me. I instinctually knew that this Presence loved me, could be my very best friend, and was totally pure, innocent, and trustworthy. I knew that this Being would never play a mind trip or a head game with me. I was so hungry for more. I visited the church again and came into contact again with this wonderful being.

I was to realize later that this was the magnificent Holy Spirit. As I my encounters continued my heart was impelled to go to the nearby Christian bookstore and buy a Living Bible. As the weeks and months progressed I realized that this was Jesus, not Mohammed, not Buddha not the crystals, not the energy or an aura and not Krishna. This glorious Presence had drawn me only to Jesus! I had had a born again experience all by myself.

God changed me and healed me and has given me the most fantastic wife, beautiful children, a wonderful global Christian family and the most fulfilled life possible.

As I got to know Jesus, I came to realize that everything that I had been always seeking in girls, money, drugs and drinking, Jesus was the answer. I realized that He was the key to my heart. I was enthralled and captivated by His tender love and friendship and by a continual protection over me that only a mother hen can give to its chicks.

Thirty years later, my friendship, love affair and hunger for more of Jesus continue unabated. He has never stopped being my friend. He tenderly guides me and my family from moment to moment. As the song says, “Oh what a friend I have in Jesus.” All you need to do is ask Him to be your friend as well.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My 1980 Vision of Hell

I got saved in 1979.

When I came to Jesus, I was on drugs and alcohol and dropped out of Vanderbilt University. I flew back to Miami from Tennessee to live with my parents who were in a midst of a divorce after twenty eight years of marriage. I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus, which in itself is another detailed blog entry. I met Jesus by myself without the help of any pastor, priest or church. A few months later, God had changed my heart towards drinking alcohol and given me a thirst instead for His Spirit and His Word. I was still however, smoking marijuana and when someone treated me to the more expensive cocaine, which I could not afford, I would indulge in it.

Kenny Loggins was coming to South Florida. Though he was not one of my favorite rock stars, Kenny is a very gifted musician and I was thrilled to see him in Ft. Laureldale. I did not know any Christians and was still hanging out with my worldly friends. We bought the tickets and rode up to beautiful Sunrise Musical Theatre. I was surprised when one of the guys pulled out a stash of high grade cocaine. As the concert progressed we snorted more and more of the white powder and were literally flying sky high.

Today when a concert ends, people shout “encore” or “more” and pull out their lit cell phones waving them in the air. In the 70’s and 80’s there were no cell phones. People would light up matches or pull out their lighters in the air.

When Kenny finished his last song, the shouts of “encore” and “more” began to resonate through the marijuana smoke filled air. Thousands of matches and lighters in unison illuminated the dark auditorium. Right then, and at that very moment, the Lord Jesus transported me in the Spirit and into a vision.

In this revelation the thousands of match flames became meshed together into one massive fire that engulfed me on all sides, and the myriads of voices around me crying “more” became the thousands of shouts of demons saying “more fire”, “more fire”, “more fire”. It was sheer terror, utter fear, and a sensation of not been able to think or focus on anything else but upon the incident of the immediate horror surrounding me.

I crashed from the drug high that I was on in less than a minute. I was numb and in a silent state of panic. The lights came on and all of my friends, stoned and red eyed, congregated around me to excitedly remark on the incredible concert. I could not speak. I could just nod. I could not drive myself back home. Somewhere on the one hour trip back to Miami, as I slowly recollected myself, I heard the Lord tell me in His sweet and quiet and still small voice, “My son, no more drugs.” All of my drug habits were instantaneously cured on that day of 1980. I have never touched a drug again, because I never want to experience the fright and the horror of this vision of hell.

Jesus preached about hell three times more than he preached about heaven. To this day, I have never experienced this type of fear again. It’s not His desire that anyone would ever go there. The masses send themselves to hell by rejecting His provision for eternal life. I was in a vision of hell for about five minutes. I can’t foresee what the real deal is for eternity. I do not wish hell on the worse of my enemies. 

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Vision of America and the Islamic Rats

Last night in prayer God gave me a vision of the USA. I could see what were many narrow tunnels burrowed into and below the surface of the land in an area of the country. Perplexed at first by these slender excavations, I then saw rats making their way into the depths of the country through these passageways. I was reminded that in places like New York City rats live in the cavernous and unseen sewers of the city.

The vision then was altered to where I observed a large colony of rats probably about 100 of them now congregating together deep in a large crevice beneath the land. These were the ones who had successfully dug through the slender burrows from the surface of our great nation. They were in constant interaction, what seemed at times like arguments, other like reprimands and corrections and other like whispered plannings.

In the midst of all of this contestations, there arose from their midst what was a rat with an Islamic cap.

The vision further progressed so that this Islamic rat obtained what appeared to be a fork. He pushed the fork prongs up through the ground and out through the surface of the country. As the fork emerged through the exterior I saw American people. They all looked like clones. They were fat, pot bellied, totally out of shape, lethargic, balding and “couch potato” looking men. More than the physical nature of these folks, God’s declaration of them was one of total un discernment, unawareness, foolishness and ignorance to what was going on. They were all in a sitting type of posture, though I could not see chairs. The sitting position describes a further lack of alertness and readiness. This is God’s description of the average American in the year 2009!

The rat underneath the ground with the protruding fork stabbed the first man from his behind, lifted him up and moved him stealthily away from where he was, to another location. The man did not recognize what occurred. As he was lifted up by the fork he kept his sitting position intact and where the fork placed him again, he remained unaware and in the same sitting position. The Islamic rat and his underground cohorts repeated this action with a number of the cloned people moving them successfully from one place to another. Finally a space had been cleared out on the land. The rat emerged out into the open with his Islamic cap and what appeared to be a tablet of paper and a pencil and was writing. He was instituting Islamic doctrine and law in the USA.

Folks, the time is here. This vision from the Lord tells us what is already happening. The tunnels have been dug. The rats are beneath and underneath in the created sewers of our arrogance, and the rejection of God’s guidance and laws. In my burdened state I asked the Lord what to do. He told me that our intercession would begin to excavate into the tunnels made by these rats until their diabolical plan could be revealed. I felt that the work would not be easy. This is a great and urgent calling to the Body of Christ from the Lord Himself

The fact that Jesus is revealing His secret means that we are being forewarned about that which is.

Am 3:7 Certainly, the Almighty LORD doesn’t do anything unless he first reveals his secret to his servants the prophets.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Heartbeat of Miami Pregnancy Help Centers Update

Dear Friends:

Thank you to those that have responded to our cry for help. The funds are starting to come in and we are catching up on key bills. We still have a long way to go, especially
Monthly Givers, we NEED YOU! We have to minister the heart of Jesus and it is difficult when constantly faced with the lack of funds. God wants to use His people, those willing vessels, to help rescue these unborn babies and their moms. Together we can put an end to this massacre.

God has blessed us with a generous Giver of a $25,000 gift. They said if we match this gift they will give us an additional $25,000. I have one month to do this.

To God's glory, we have also been blessed with another donor giving us a free mailing...some of you on this email list will get this mailing, similar to the one you originally received by email...please read it again! I have to know the funds will be there...PLEASE bless this work of the Lord with reliable funding. PRAY about an amount you would be faithful to each month...and sow on top as God provides. Give us hope and strength by your electronic faithfulness. Help us focus on saving lives, not stressing over the lack of funds and fundraising.

We are a shining light in the midst of the biggest child-killing zone in America, Miami-Dade County has over 37 abortion businesses surrounding us. Please SHINE YOUR LIGHT with us! You may use this
secure site and become a Heart for Life Giver today...please! If you wish to mail in your gift, you may download this Form and send it in with a check.

I love you and thanking God for you, Martha E. AvilaPresidentHeartbeat of Miami
www.heartbeatofmiami.org786-525-9510 Cell


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Estimados Amigos:

Gracias a los que han respondido a nuestro clamor pidiendo ayuda. Los fondos empezaron a entrar y estamos poniéndonos al día en algunos pagos clave. Todavía nos queda mucho camino por recorrer, sobre todo,
contribuidores mensuales. ¡NECESITAMOS DE USTED! Tenemos que ministrar el corazón de Jesús y no podemos estar constantemente luchando contra la falta de fondos. Dios quiere usar a su pueblo para ayudar a rescatar estos bebés no nacidos y a sus mamás. Unidos podemos poner fin a esta masacre.

Dios nos ha bendecido con un donante muy generoso que nos ofreció un regalo de $25,000. Nos dijo que si recaudamos $25,000, ellos nos donaran $25,000 adicionales. Tengo un mes para hacer esto.

Otro donador nos dio la bendición de enviar cartas completamente gratis. Muchos de ustedes recibirán esta carta que es muy parecida a las que recibieron originalmente por correo electrónico. ¡Por favor léala otra vez! Necesito saber que los fondos van a estar disponibles...POR FAVOR bendiga esta obra del Señor con fondos fiable. ORE por una cantidad que usted pueda ofrecer fielmente todos los meses...y siembre adicionalmente según Dios le bendice. Denos fuerza y esperanza con su apoyo fiel. Ayúdenos a concentrarnos en rescatar vidas sin tener la constante preocupación de la falta de fondos y la recaudación de fondos.

Somos una luz brillante en medio de la zona de matanza de bebés más grande en América; el Condado de Miami-Dade tiene más de 37 negocios de aborto. ¡Por favor BRILLE SU LUZ con nosotros!

Usted puede conviértase en un Contribuidor de Corazón por la Vida hoy usando esta
página electrónica que es segura ¡Por favor! Si prefiere enviar su donación por correo regular por favor use esta Forma y envíela con su cheque.

Los quiero mucho y le doy gracias a Dios por usted,Martha E. AvilaPresidentaHeartbeat of Miami
www.heartbeatofmiami.org786-525-9510 Cell

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