Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Spiritual 2010 New Year's Resolution

I have always been careful with prophetic words, especially with those that we obtain on the Internet.

The following is a word that was emailed to me by Judith Landy of our church, Doral Vineyard, from Dr. Clarice Fluitt.

In all honesty I have not prayed about what she said regarding the mantles of healing being released after the death of Oral Roberts, a few weeks back, or her words about China.

However she stated two things that have really resonated with me in my spirit and have set a type of spiritual “New Year's resolution” within me.

The first one has to do with Dr Fluitt’s word regarding Christ’s power invested in us to cancel the evil plans and assignments of the enemy over this nation through prayer.

I spent much of 2009 fretting and worrying about the political course of this country. God has once again reminded me not to worry, but to take authority over the circumstances and assignments which the enemy is attempting to bring.

Dr. Fluitt superbly addresses these issues in her word. I believe that it is vitally important that through intercession we initiate this process in the New Year. I have included a link to my blog entry along with a link to Dr. Fluitt’s word, written a few months back called “What is the Real New World Order”.

My entry basically substantiates that of Dr. Fluitt.

I must confess that I have forgotten to do what I had taught about.

The other point which Dr. Fluitt speaks about which reverberates within me is the issue of kingdom finances. As I read her word, I felt for the first time in my thirty years as a believer, that this is the year to really command and call in the transference of the wealth of this world into the kingdom of God. I am talking about big sums of money...large sums of money.

If possible please take out about 10 minutes to read Dr. Fluitt's word and my blog spot written a few months back. They are basically one in the same. As I said, her word has set a spiritual compass heading in my heart that I hope will carry through all of 2010. I pray that it does the same for you.

Here are both of the links.

In closing I would like to present two scriptural references that exemplify our authority in Christ to change the affairs of this word.

1Cor 15:24 Then <1534> cometh the end <5056>, when <3752> he shall have delivered up <3860> (5632) the kingdom <932> to God <2316>, even <2532> the Father <3962>; when <3752> he shall have put down <2673> (5661) all <3956> rule <746> and <2532> all <3956> authority <1849> and <2532> power <1411>.

25 For <1063> he <846> must <1163> (5748) reign <936> (5721), till <891> <3739> he hath put <302> <5087> (5632) all <3956> enemies <2190> under <5259> his <846> feet <4228>.

26 The last <2078> enemy <2190> that shall be destroyed <2673> (5743) is death <2288>.

"2673" (highlighted in purple) is the Strong's Word “Katargeo”: This word signifies to render non functional, obsolete and broken down. Our assignment through Christ is to katargeo all rule and authority, plans, and assignments being created by the enemy against the will of God through prayer, declaration and faith.

I am preaching to myself on this! I am determined not to fret this year but to take my authority in this manner.

In Jeremiah, we can see the similar authority of the believer in action.

Jer 1:10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

The words “set thee” is the Hebrew word “paqad” which is defined as the ability to execute or bring a visitation.

We as believers have the right in prayer, word, and deed to bring the visitations of God as outlined in Jeremiah 1:10 upon our country and globe.

I pray that in 2010 these words will be part of your spiritual New Year’s resolution!