Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Two Minute Warning

When my family lived in Africa a few years back, the Lord told us that He would send us back to the USA as “Moses’s” to lead and teach believers to live totally by faith. As Moses led many and had to believe God to provide for them with manna from heaven and water from the flinty rock, so would American believers find themselves in the near future living just like this. For Mary and me, these words have simply being prophecies from the hand of God which we have treasured in our hearts. In this last year, and more so, in this last month, I am beginning to feel that the then uttered words of God are now at hand. 

If you go to my profile page on FB and see the articles on the financial state which this country stands on, and will be in the next few years, you would have to agree that America is going to crash head on at high speed with an insurmountable financial brick wall. For the believer, this is nothing to be scared of if we have learned to live a life of total obedience, by the voice of the Holy Spirit, grounded in the Word, watchful, and generously and sacrificially giving into God’s kingdom. Mary and I have never had much money. God has kept us like this so as to force us to be totally dependent on Him. We have been believers for 31 years and have always tithed and given offerings. Many times God has brought us to our last pennies, but never have we gone broke. For all this time we have been on a tight budget with a family of six, but every bill has been paid, all debts have been cleared, and we have had food and shelter. Our finances have been in order, though we have lived utterly by faith for 16 years, because our tithes and offerings have always been in order. This is not a message on giving per se. This entry on my blog is that I see the proverbial financial brick wall about a year or two away from us.  Christian do not be caught unaware or asleep at the wheel! God is giving us the “two minute” warning. It is more than high time to get our walks in order with the Lord. The time for lukewarmness must go. The time for disobedience must go now.  The time for not knowing the Word of God must stop at once. The time to remain prayerless must immediately cease. We must cultivate a lifestyle now of faithful giving to the Lord through tithes and offerings, so that when this country slams into the wall, we would have already adopted a lifestyle of Kingdom finances where we learn to trust God to walk us through the coming circumstances day by day. Don’t wait until this calamitous tide crashes upon you, become proactive and learn to ride it out and surf on it. It’s still not too late to get your house in order. I do not doubt that God has blown the “two minute whistle” and that the prophecies which God spoke to us are now a reality.