I just got up from my knees after praying for the USA. I was startled by the vision that God gave to me. It was a vision of America as a wheel barrow. When a wheel barrow is full of dirt a man takes it to a designated place, lifts it up by its handles and empties out the dirt. The effect of the wheel barrow lifted up diagonally and the counter effect of the earth’s gravity on the dirt inside efficiently causes all of the dirt to empty itself out.
I saw the strong hands and arms of the Lord lift up the USA high from its northeast region such as from Washington DC to Maine. The country was hinged down in California so that it could not be moved from its place. When the Lord lifted up the northeast part of the country the rotation occurred diagonally around that hinge.
Everybody who did not have a living relationship with the Lord Jesus just slid down violently towards California, just as dirt is poured out of the wheel barrow. It was impossible for them to hold on to anything they had.
Those that were in the Lord but had a shallow, lukewarm, and worldly relationship were given a horizontal pole to hold on to. They had to grab on to the pole in dear life suspended horizontally in the fierce wind of the uplifting motion. The wind of action of the Lord pulled all of their clothes from them and they were left totally naked holding on to the pole. This signified that God was going to strip them from everything that was not of Him and leave them bare and naked.
Those that had a strong and committed walk with the Lord were given a seat to sit on and a thick pole in front of them to embrace with their arms. When the Lord did the heavy lifting of the northeast part of the country they were safe, secure and unmoved.