Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is The Greatest Secret?

Eph 3:18  May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

The most essential thing which humans can accomplish on planet earth is to progressively enter into the revelation of the love that God has for us. The Bible tells us that the love of God hyper transcends any and all ability that we have to grasp it through our mind or physical senses. 

The love of God is revelatory in nature, is infinite and endless, and can only be discovered by our faith.

God’s invisible inheritance can only be received by faith. There are at least three things which God reasons as to why He blesses us in the first place. One is good pleasure, or just because He felt like it. The second one is kindness. The third one is lavish extravagance.

For us to begin to fathom that this is how God looks at us and wants to bless us, we need to enter into God’s revelatory love that hyper transcends our mental knowledge or physical acquisition of it.

The only way to be able to receive an inheritance which is released to us in the three dimensions of lavish extravagance, good pleasure, and kindness, it can only be done through the splendor tinted glasses of God’s revelatory love for us. To the measure that we enter into this revelatory love is to the same measure that this inheritance becomes revealed before our very eyes, and all in one instance. Try it for yourself!

This is why it’s impossible for the unbeliever to ever try to mentally debate who God is. He is only found on his knees, and through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, as he cries out for God’s kindness, mercy, good pleasure and extravagant goodness upon him.