The Lord has called Mary and I to to commence weekend healing meetings in the power of Jesus Christ throughout South Florida homes, bible studies, and churches. We are doing this through our regular ministry, Safari Through the Word. We feel that these meetings will help spur the revival fire which God is beginning to fan out through South Florida.
We have been in the healing ministry for a number of years including several in East Africa.
We still have our regular healing meetings at Doral Vineyard Church every Thursday at 7:30PM.
These weekend meetings are more geared towards people who might not be able to go to church, or simply do not come to church.
We had our first one last Saturday at a Doral Gardens Condo. It was very powerful.
Generally it is pretty simple.
You invite your friends, saved, or unsaved, who would want to receive ministry, prayer for healing, or prophecy. These meetings are totally led by the Holy Spirit.
The time of 7:00PM seems to work well. Mary and I will come to your home or church about 15 minutes before that. We don't finish late so that people can go to church on Sunday. The time can be altered to fit the needs of your home or church.
All that is really needed in terms of beverages is bottled water. At this type of a meeting, coffee and food is not advised because it it time consuming, distracting, and a burden on the host.
A CD player with some worship CD's is always an important factor.
If you feel led to take up an offering for our ministry that is up to you. We suggest it and it is always appreciated.
We also give out out some of our business cards for those who would want to contact us.
That is about it. God really moves in many wonderful ways and everybody gets touched.
Please contact us if you are interested in hosting a healing meeting at your home or Bible study.
Our email:
For more information please go to our web site @:
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