Friday, October 30, 2009

Spiritual Gifts Impartation and Activation Meetings in South Florida

Jose and Mary Alvarez have been activating people in them spiritual gifts for thirty years. God has used them to begin a number of home meetings worldwide and baptize believers in the Holy Spirit. Jose and Mary execute this by the impartation and activation of spiritual gifts, the raising up of the believer into their ministries, and their release to function within the local body.

Jose and Mary are assistant pastors at Doral Vineyard, they have a global expository teaching ministry, and minister in prophecy, signs and wonders and the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If your home group or church is interested in learning about spiritual gifts, discovering its particular gifts, receiving the impartation, and being activated in these gifts, please contact Jose and Mary.

Generally it is pretty simple to set up a meeting.You invite your church friends to your home. Right now our available nights are on Wednesday and Saturdays.The time of 7:00PM seems to work well. Mary and I will come to your home or church about 15 minutes before that. We don't finish late so you can go to church on Sundays and to your jobs on Thursdays. The time can be altered to fit the needs of your home or church.

All that is really needed in terms of beverages is bottled water. At this type of a meeting, coffee and food is not advised because it it time consuming, distracting, and a burden on the host.

An offering to be taken up by the inviting host is suggested.

We also give out out some of our business cards for those who would want to contact us.That is about it. God really moves in many wonderful ways and everybody gets touched.

Please contact us if you are interested in hosting an evening of learning about, discovering of, and the impartation and activation of your spiritual gifts.

For more information please go to our web site @:

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