Thursday, April 22, 2010

Upcoming East Africa Conferences in 2010 and 2011

While we were doing our last conferences in Kenya in February and March of this year God gave us a new strategy for future work East Africa. Kenya and Uganda are in the midst of a revival of training. Where ever one goes there is a hunger for revelatory and expository teaching, learning how to minister, training in worship, and a huge desire to receive ministry and prophetical words. Because of this the Lord has told us to go twice a year and do training conferences in those countries.
For a number of years we have been going to individual churches, many of them in the remote parts of Maasai land and the rural conclaves of these countries.
Traveling by car is very expensive in East Africa due to the price of gasoline and the frequent repairs that cars always need ,due to bad roads.
Kitengela, is the town where our family lived for almost two years while in Kenya. Its 45 minutes away from Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi. Kitengela it is one the fastest growing cities in East Africa and is close to Maasai land where a big modern day revival is taking place. It is connected to Mombasa on the Indian Ocean, Tanzania to its south, it is close to Nairobi which in turn is connected to Western Kenya and Uganda. Kitengela, is the locale which God has selected for our next conference. Instead of traveling all over Kenya and wasting precious time and money, we will set up a tent of about 400 and have pastors from all over Kenya attend. The provisional date of this next conference will be from Monday September 20th through Sunday September 26th We will be taking a team which will teach expositionally, train on worship, probably do some workshops, and will minister in the power of God. There is a wonderful hotel in Kitengela ran by Christian pastors called the Masai Discovery ( shown on the photo). The trip itself will be comfortable in that the team will fly in, take a 45 minute ride to Kitengela, lodge and minister there for week and then fly home.
In February 2011 we have an invitation to do similar training in Uganda where there is another revival brewing. I will update you more as the time gets a bit closer. This is what he Lord appears to be doing now. God bless.

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