Thursday, May 6, 2010

The National Day of Prayer, Franklin Graham and Other Notes.

As the National Day of Prayer is upon us, the son of one of the most influential Christians of our times, Billy Graham, has been dis-invited to speak in the Pentagon, in a national prayer event. 

On another note, a judge has also deemed The National Day of Prayer unconstitutional, though her ruling is on hold due to all the protest and clamor which it has created.  It is not doubt that the spirit of antichrist is rearing up its ugly head; another sign of the end times.

Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, spoke some remarks concerning the Islamic faith which supposedly put him in the “dog house” with the present administration. I personally think that his comments though truthful, could have been handled with a bit more tact. Nevertheless, to dis invite Mr. Graham even after the appeal which was made to Mr. Obama not only by Franklin Graham, but by Billy Graham himself, shows the perilous times that this country has entered into.

As Christians we can complain, cower, or shrink in a mindset of complacency that all is supposed to happen like this, and the Antichrist is just over the horizon. If this is God’s time for the mystery of iniquity to be fully revealed, and the antichrist to be manifested, then so be it.

I however, do not want to leave the legacy of an antichrist government to my children, neither will I sit back and allow the forces of evil to ravish my country and the world at large, just because I think that the time is here, and there is nothing that I can do to prevent it.

Throughout Biblical history, God raised up Moses’s, Joseph’s, David’s, Elijah’s and Elisha’s which stood up and confronted the godless governments of their days and soundly defeated them through the love and the power of God. Jesus said that if He was lifted up from the earth, He would draw all men unto Himself.

I want to be one who will be used by the Lord in the same way that God used these men of old. I want to be one who will display a love and a power that is greater than the power of antichrist which is being fomented in our land.  I want to be one who can stand in the face of evil and cast it down in Jesus Name.

People are hungry, they are seeking for a power and a love that will sweep them off their feet and will transform them.  Christ is the answer.

Complaining, and wringing our hands and timidly resigning ourselves to the “inevitable” is not the way of God. We must not be influenced by the world. We must influence and change the world as Christ has changed us.

I say “not on my watch, will the Antichrist come. Not on my watch, will I leave a legacy of unrighteousness and apostasy to my children and to this world”.

 If I am wrong, then I am wrong, but I will certainly try my best to change it.

Where are the Moses, Elijahs, David’s and Josephs of our generations? Certainly, the power of God has not changed from then to now. If it has changed, it is towards the greater, due to a grander revelation of God which can be attained to through the many resources at our finger tips.

If you and I arise in the power of these men of God, revival will certainly come to the USA and to the world. People are ready for it. People are dying to see it. People are starving to receive a love and purpose worth living, and dying for. People are waiting for us the Christian, for the revelation of the sons and daughters of God. 

Arise in the power of God, man and woman of God! Don’t be timid, don’t be afraid. Be willing to pay the cost to be one of these men or women as those of old, in these our present generations.

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