Thursday, December 17, 2009
WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? ( Is God Speaking?)
It is only six quick calculations! Takes just a second! This is important in this fast-paced world!
It's CRAZY how accurate this is!
No peeking!
1) Pick your favorite number between 1-9.
2) Multiply by 3, then
3) Add 3
4) Now multiply by 3 (I'll wait while you get the calculator...)
5) You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number...
6) Add the digits together.
Now Scroll down................
With that number, see who your ROLE MODEL is from the list below:
1. Einstein
2. Oprah Winfrey
3. John F. Kennedy
4. Sarah Palin
5. George W. Bush
6. Gandhi
7. Ronald Reagan
8. Babe Ruth
9. Pastor Jose E Alvarez
10.Rush Limbaugh
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Its Official..We Are Going To Africa in February!!!
We are really excited!
Denvil Lee and I officially purchased our tickets to Kenya and Uganda yesterday and will be leaving Miami on February 24th via London and coming back on March 19th. Please read the rest of the blog entry for details.
The very day that I wrote to a number of people to notify them that I was cancelling the Kenya Christmas tour for lack of finances, $1525.00 came in, enough for the price of an airplane ticket.
I immediately realized that God had withheld the funds as a strategical and timing scheme. I felt to reschedule the trip to February when it’s considerably cheaper to fly to east Africa.
Secondly, the trip was to be three weeks instead of the usual two, so that I could visit with a great ministry that I have worked with in Uganda. The amazing thing about this country is that there is a genuine revival with children. God is raising up a brand new generation of young worshipers in East Africa!
When I sent another letter to update our friends of the rescheduling of the East Africa event, I got an inquiry from a church friend by the name of Denvil Lee about accompanying me .
Denvil is an amazingly anointed worship leader who sings, prophesies and plays the keyboards absolutely beautifully.
The Lord immediately reminded me of one of the final words which He had given to us in Kenya in 2007 when we moved back to the United States. God had told us then to bring the ministry of worship to Kenya! East African Christians praise Jesus Christ so wonderfully and powerfully! Yet they have gotten little introduction and training to the ministry of worship, the glory of God, and learning to wait on God’s presence.
Denvil’s desire to come on this trip is a direct fulfillment of the word of the Lord given to us to expose and train the East Africa body of Christ to the ministry of worship. Our hearts lept for joy!
As always, we will also bring the teaching, healing and prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ to a land where there is revival and an amazing hunger and openness to the Lord Jesus.
This trip will also allow us to further strategize God’s vision for East Africa with wonderful Christian leaders.
Our potential itinerary for this trip looks something like this.
We are calling it: “The 2010 East Africa Worship, Prophetic, and Healing Tour”.
Wednesday, February 24th - Leave Miami, via London, to Nairobi, Kenya, on British Airways.
Thursday, February 25th - Arrive in Nairobi, Kenya
Friday, February 26 - Sunday, February 28th; Kitengela Worship, Prophetic and Healing Conference: Kitengela Kenya; Numerous pastors and churches involved.
Monday & Tuesday, March 1 & 2 - Kitengela / Mololongo local church meetings: Numerous pastors involved.
Monday (also), Trip to the Uganda Embassy in Nairobi - to obtain Uganda Visas.
Wednesday & Thursday, March 3 & 4 - Naamanga, Kenya; Maasai Land Meetings: Pastor David Tukai Ole Shelel (Not Confirmed)
Friday, March 5th - Apostle Jackson Kayengo meetings:
Saturday and Sunday March 6 & 7th - Nyahururu Worship, Prophetic and Healing Conference; Nyahururu, Kenya: Pastor Henry Waweru
Monday, March 8th- Rest and Travel Day to Ugunja, Kenya
Tuesday & Wednesday, March 9 & 10th - Ugunja Worship, Prophetic, and Healing Conference; Ugunja , Kenya: Pastor Elias Onduas Ouma
Thursday, March 11th - Travel Day to Kampala, Uganda via Regional Bus Lines
Friday, March 12 through Sunday March 14 - Uganda Worship, Prophetic and Healing Conference; Kampala, Uganda: Apostle Jeremy Gichuru.
Monday, March 15th - Rest Day
Tuesday, March 16th - Back to Nairobi from Uganda via Regional Bus Lines
Thursday, March 18th - Leave from Nairobi back to Miami, Fl. via London, England
Friday, March 19th - Arrive in Miami
We estimate that we will need approximately $3,000.00 by the end of February to cover visas, advertising, venue expenses, travel money, lodging, transportation, meals, a new digital camera, and some cash to bless the men and the women of God whom we will be working with.
Your monetary donations great or small are very much appreciated!
You can either donate by using the secure "Donate" Pay Pal button on our web site.
Or you can also mail your personal checks or money orders to:
Jose Alvarez
5725 NW 114 Path # 102
Doral, Florida 33178-4195
Please make them payable to:
Safari Through the Word Ministries
Safari Through the Word Ministries, Inc. is a 501 C3 Ministries registered with the Sate of Florida.
Our ministry issues you tax receipts at the end of the year towards your taxable deductions.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
You Can Now Donate Through Pay Pal From Our Web Site
The information is on our web site. At the end of the year we will mail you a receipt of your giving which you can use as a tax deduction.
Our web site is
Our web site is
Thank you.
STTWM produces these seminars from expositional teachings which suit your ministry’s needs. Jose is a Bible teacher who has spent twenty one years studying the scriptures in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek. His passion is to take the accuracy, depth, and richness of the Bible in its original languages and bring them out in a simple way which is relevant to the needs of the 21st century believer.
Upon contacting us, we will discuss with you the goals of your ministry and develop a seminar just for you. Our web site includes a partial list of conference materials from where you can “mix, match, and create” your seminar. We will travel out to your ministry anywhere in the world.
Our web site is
1 Safari Through the Word Ministries (STTWM) is nonprofit corporation which fashions "tailor made" Bible seminars to promote the vision of your home and church meetings.
STTWM produces these seminars from expositional teachings which suit your ministry’s needs. Jose is a Bible teacher who has spent twenty one years studying the scriptures in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek. His passion is to take the accuracy, depth, and richness of the Bible in its original languages and bring them out in a simple way which is relevant to the needs of the 21st century believer.
Upon contacting us, we will discuss with you the goals of your ministry and develop a seminar just for you. Our web site includes a partial list of conference materials from where you can “mix, match, and create” your seminar. We will travel out to your ministry anywhere in the world.
2 (STTWM) provides home and church classes in basic Biblical Hebrew and Greek grammar, syntax, and word studies to enhance your understanding of God’s Word. We also train you how to effectively use the free “web based” Bible programs available to you.
3 (STTWM) trains on, helps discover, and activates believers in their spiritual gifts, and assist them find their niche within their group. We are prophetic revivalists who function in a “now and immediate breakthrough anointing”.
4 (STTWM) operates as a prophetic ministry which touches the lives of thousands of people globally through the prophetic impartation of God’s destiny for them.
5 (STTWM) operates as a healing and deliverance ministry which impacts the lives of thousands of people through the healing power of Jesus Christ.
6 (STTWM) provides personal prayer and counseling meetings for individuals or couples by appointment
7 (STTWM) functions in a spiritual advisory capacity to church leaders and boards.
8 (STTWM) reaches out to all of God’s people, but a large portion of Bible conferences are affected amongst “the forgotten people groups” such as Native Americans and African people.
9 (STTWM) caters “life changing” mission’s opportunities to believers who join us as “team ministers” on our global seminars and conferences.
10 (STTWM) donates finances to worthy ministerial projects in Africa and South America, without overhead, and always into the right hands!
11 (STTWM) licenses and ordains ministers of the Gospel.
Our web site is
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Eyeless Pyramid and the American Dollar

This is the second vision that I have had about the demise of the American dollar just within a few days from the first one. I encourage you to read the other vision, “Jaws and the American Dollar” in tandem with this vision
As I got on my knees to pray this morning, I saw the pyramid with the eye which is on the back of the one dollar bill, turned sideways. In other words, I was looking at the pyramid not from the front as is depicted on the dollar bill. I was seeing it from its left side. The eye had come out of the pyramid and was un attached. It was by itself suspended in mid air looking down at a road. I then saw many pyramids as far as the eye could see on a landscape that was being traversed by this road. The landscape was the USA. The eye that had once been in the USA dollar bill pyramid had given to it life. Anything that has an open eye must have life within it. Now all of these pyramids had no eyes. They had all become mausoleums or graves. The Lord suddenly then reminded me that pyramids had been used as graves in Egypt!
The vision then changed and I saw myself inside one of these pyramids, just like Indiana Jones, and the coffin of King Tutankhamen which was within one of its grave chambers, now in front of me.
I took an iron chisel and a hammer and broke open the golden coffin. Inside were bundles and bundles of dollar bills now for the most part dead and worthless. Our living pyramid on the back of the dollar bill now had become a dead and lifeless one holding within its grave chambers the coffins of the dead dollars.
It is no doubt that God is warning us, that the time to wake up and repent is already here and is passing us by. If we let it pass us by, it might be too late.
As the great rock and roll group of the 1970’s Kansas once sang …”The Point of No (Know) Return.” Are we getting to the point of no return? It’s funny that the song rang through my mind as I was writing this blog.
I have seen America in the spirit, get to the poverty level that one of my beloved nations, Kenya is presently in. It was poverty that woke up Kenya and has brought it to revival. I suspect that America is on the same path.
If we repent now, God will heal our land. If we don’t, only God knows. I am not the only one prophesying about the demise of the dollar bill. Others such as Larry Randolph, John Paul Jackson and Chuck Pierce are also saying it too.
The Lord ended the vision today with the following scripture.
Rev 6: 5 When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come." I looked, and a black horse appeared, its rider carrying a balance in his hand.
6 And I heard what seemed to be a voice speaking in the midst of the four living creatures, and saying, "A quart of wheat for a shilling, and three quarts of barley for a shilling; but do not injure either the oil or the wine."
Verse six is simply a definition of hyper inflation.
To finish, here is a lyrical verse from "The Point of Know Return" by Kansas.
They say the sea turns so dark thatYou know it's time, you see the signThey say the point demons guard isAn ocean grave, for all the brave,Was it you that said, "How long, how long,How long to the point of know return
They say the sea turns so dark thatYou know it's time, you see the signThey say the point demons guard isAn ocean grave, for all the brave,Was it you that said, "How long, how long,How long to the point of know return
I wanted to add to the original vision posted over a year ago.
Last week I had another vision of America.
In this vision, an underwater statue of Jesus Christ, as the one at John Pennycamp Park in the Florida Keys, lifelessly sank to the bottom of the ocean floor and toppled over upon the sandy bottom. At the same time an American dollar bill sank alongside with it. I was really alarmed because it seemed as if Christianity had totally died in America. All of a sudden Jesus, not as a statue, but as a living human being, emerged from the waters and walked unto the shore. He was holding the dollar bill in his hand. The bill appeared smaller than usual, more ineffective and was now in the control of Jesus’s hand. Somehow things in America had come into a more correct perspective. Out of this financial drowning where the dollar can no longer breathe and becomes unconscious, our hearts will come to be more on Jesus and not upon the idolatry of money and entertainment. Or at least it will be Jesus who will be bringing this nation back to a right perspective. I feel that a humbling is coming to us where our priorities will be certainly better.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday Nights At Doral Vineyard

For over one year, Doral Vineyard Church, of which we are assistant pastors, has been hosting ......."The Releasing the Miraculous South Florida Revival Meetings."
This is not a Doral Vineyard Meeting. It is a meeting which is opened to all in South Florida. What began as a healing meeting has taken off to become a weekly outpouring revival meeting filled with the power and glory of the Lord, healing and prophecy.
These meetings are attended weekly by folks from a number of South Florida churches.
We see many healings. displays of the power of God, signs and wonders and many words of prophecy.
Child care is provided.
All are welcomed
Our address is
Doral Vineyard Church
8000 NW 25 Street
Doral, Fl 33166
The meeting times are 7:30PM every Thursday.
Booking and Contact Information

To book or contact Jose and Mary Alvarez for either a national or international seminar or conference.
Or for any type of local meetings in the South Florida area.
(H) (786) 845-3956
(JC) (305) 299-0633
(MC) (305) 299-0380
Outside the USA
+1-305-299-0633 or +1 -786-845-3956
Web Site:
Snail Mail Address
5725 NW 114th Path # 102
Doral, Florida 33178-4195
Yahoo Messenger: citvnet
Skype: citvnet
What is Safari Through the Word Ministries
1 Safari Through the Word Ministries (STTWM) is nonprofit corporation which creates "tailor made" Bible seminars to promote the vision of your church or ministry.
STTWM produces these seminars from expositional teachings which suit your ministry’s needs. Jose is a Bible teacher who has spent twenty three years studying the scriptures in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek. His passion is to take the accuracy, and richness of the Bible in its original languages and bring them out in a simple way which is relevant to the needs of the 21st century believer.
Upon contacting us, we will discuss with you the goals of your ministry and develop a seminar just for you. On our web site (the "tailor made Bible seminars" button) includes a partial list of conference materials from where you can “mix, match, and create” your seminar. We are always updating our revelatory material. We will travel out to your ministry anywhere in the world.
2 (STTWM) provides home and church classes in basic Biblical Hebrew and Greek grammar, syntax, and word studies to enhance your understanding of God’s Word. We also train you how to effectively use the free “web based” Bible programs available to you.
3 (STTWM) trains on, helps discover, and activates believers in their spiritual gifts, and assist them find their niche within their group. We are prophetic revivalists who function in a “now and immediate breakthrough anointing”.
4 (STTWM) operates as a prophetic ministry which touches the lives of thousands of people globally through the prophetic impartation of God’s destiny for them.
5 (STTWM) operates as a healing, deliverance, and signs and wonders ministry which impacts the lives of thousands of people through the healing power of Jesus Christ.
6 (STTWM) provides personal prayer and counseling meetings for individuals or couples by appointment
7 (STTWM) functions in a spiritual advisory capacity to church leaders and boards.
8 (STTWM) reaches out to all of God’s people, but a large portion of Bible conferences are affected amongst “the forgotten people groups” such as Native Americans and African people.
9 (STTWM) caters “life changing” mission’s opportunities to believers who join us as “team ministers” on our global seminars and conferences.
10 (STTWM) donates finances to worthy ministerial projects in Africa and South America, without overhead, and always into the right hands!
11 (STTWM) licenses and ordains ministers of the Gospel.
Our web site is
Friday, October 30, 2009
Spiritual Gifts Impartation and Activation Meetings in South Florida
Jose and Mary Alvarez have been activating people in them spiritual gifts for thirty years. God has used them to begin a number of home meetings worldwide and baptize believers in the Holy Spirit. Jose and Mary execute this by the impartation and activation of spiritual gifts, the raising up of the believer into their ministries, and their release to function within the local body.
If your home group or church is interested in learning about spiritual gifts, discovering its particular gifts, receiving the impartation, and being activated in these gifts, please contact Jose and Mary.
Generally it is pretty simple to set up a meeting.You invite your church friends to your home. Right now our available nights are on Wednesday and Saturdays.The time of 7:00PM seems to work well. Mary and I will come to your home or church about 15 minutes before that. We don't finish late so you can go to church on Sundays and to your jobs on Thursdays. The time can be altered to fit the needs of your home or church.
All that is really needed in terms of beverages is bottled water. At this type of a meeting, coffee and food is not advised because it it time consuming, distracting, and a burden on the host.
An offering to be taken up by the inviting host is suggested.
We also give out out some of our business cards for those who would want to contact us.That is about it. God really moves in many wonderful ways and everybody gets touched.
Please contact us if you are interested in hosting an evening of learning about, discovering of, and the impartation and activation of your spiritual gifts.
Our email:
South Florida Biblical Hebrew and Greek Meetings at your Home or Church

We realize that the Body of Christ has a hunger to learn the grammatical basics of the original Biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew.
Jose Alvarez has been studying the Word of God in the Greek and Hebrew for the twenty one years.
Once that a believer gets a taste of delving into the Hebrew and Greek Word Studies he or she will never want to just study in the English. Secondly, the revelation knowledge which the Lord imparts to the believer from the original languages is a hundredfold what he or she will ever experience from the English. Finally, its is the knowledge of the Word of God, not the Word, which sets the believer free. Delving into the original languages magnifies the liberty of the Lord which the believer experiences in his or her life.
Finally, on the Internet, there are a few excellent and free Biblical programs which will help you immensely in your understanding and studying of the Greek and Hebrew. We will teach you how to download and utilize these free tools.
Jose and Mary can now set up an evening of teaching for you and your friends where you will learn the fundamentals of Biblical Greek and Hebrew grammar and a basic knowledge of how to download and use the excellent and free Biblical tools.
Generally it is pretty simple.
You invite your church friends to your home. Right now our available nights are on Wednesday and Saturdays.
We encourage people to bring their lap tops if your home is Wi Fi ready. Also please bring plenty of paper and writing utensils.
The time of 7:00PM seems to work well. Mary and I will come to your home or church about 15 minutes before that. We don't finish late so you can go to church on Sundays and to your jobs on Thursdays. The time can be altered to fit the needs of your home or church.
All that is really needed in terms of beverages is bottled water. At this type of a meeting, coffee and food is not advised because it it time consuming, distracting, and a burden on the host.
An offering to be taken up by the inviting host is suggested.
We also give out out some of our business cards for those who would want to contact us.
That is about it. God really moves in many wonderful ways and everybody gets touched.
Please contact us if you are interested in hosting a South Florida Biblical Hebrew and Greek grammar meeting at your home or church.
Our email:
For more information please go to our web site @:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Jaws And The American Dollar
As in the Jaws film where the unsuspecting swimmers are attacked by a huge shark, I saw swimmers gingerly swimming across the ocean blue. Huge sharks approached them from behind. The life guard who was a Christian prophet got up from his chair and blared out the warning of an impending attack. The swimmers were deaf and continued to swim on. These sharks were weird, though. They had the nose or snout of the a pig. They would approach the swimmers from behind and hit them with their snouts, but did not attack them. Because the sharks had not attacked, but simply butted the swimmers with the their noses, the former continued to feel safe, though many large sharks were in the waters.
As more and more sharks came unto the scene, the Christian life guard not only got up again and screamed, but got a megaphone and repeatedly uttered his voice onto the waters.
Suddenly the attack came. It happened in seconds. It was not an attack of carnage and blood. It was more one like countless household fuses massively short circuiting all at once. I could not see the sharks attack but I saw a mass and instantaneous short circuiting and explosive electronic power traverse across the waters.
I immediately saw the dollar sign and knew that it had to do with the demise of the American dollar and our economy. Every swimmer appeared dead as he or she floated head down, and back exposed in the ocean waters. Fortunately, there had been no carnage and the swimmers were not dead. They were all unconscious. The impact of the sudden electronic attack had rendered them unconscious.
Watchman Nee, the great Chinese apostle said that the only way to save a drowning man is to allow him to go unconscious and then he can be pulled safely out of the water. If a person attempts to save a drowning person when he is still kicking and flaying, both him and the one drowning will be pulled down to their deaths. So it is with a soul who does not know the Lord. While he is still arguing, and debating, and challenging the power and love of God, it is futile in many ways to continue to talk to him. We must wait until the circumstances of life and the folly of his own sins render him unconscious and then we can bring him to Christ.
I suspect from this that the demise of our dollar and economy which will render many unconscious, in hopelessness, distraught, and turmoil will prepare this country for a mighty revival of religion in Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
How Do I Host a South Florida Healing Meeting At My Home or Church?
The Lord has called Mary and I to to commence weekend healing meetings in the power of Jesus Christ throughout South Florida homes, bible studies, and churches. We are doing this through our regular ministry, Safari Through the Word. We feel that these meetings will help spur the revival fire which God is beginning to fan out through South Florida.
We have been in the healing ministry for a number of years including several in East Africa.
We still have our regular healing meetings at Doral Vineyard Church every Thursday at 7:30PM.
These weekend meetings are more geared towards people who might not be able to go to church, or simply do not come to church.
We had our first one last Saturday at a Doral Gardens Condo. It was very powerful.
Generally it is pretty simple.
You invite your friends, saved, or unsaved, who would want to receive ministry, prayer for healing, or prophecy. These meetings are totally led by the Holy Spirit.
The time of 7:00PM seems to work well. Mary and I will come to your home or church about 15 minutes before that. We don't finish late so that people can go to church on Sunday. The time can be altered to fit the needs of your home or church.
All that is really needed in terms of beverages is bottled water. At this type of a meeting, coffee and food is not advised because it it time consuming, distracting, and a burden on the host.
A CD player with some worship CD's is always an important factor.
If you feel led to take up an offering for our ministry that is up to you. We suggest it and it is always appreciated.
We also give out out some of our business cards for those who would want to contact us.
That is about it. God really moves in many wonderful ways and everybody gets touched.
Please contact us if you are interested in hosting a healing meeting at your home or Bible study.
Our email:
For more information please go to our web site @:
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