Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Fasting of the Chairs

Apostle Jeremy Gichuru and his wife Eunice are a definition of authentic Christian missionaries.

Born in Meru, Kenya, they are missionaries to the nation of Uganda. When God called them out from their country to Uganda in the 1980’s, with four small children, they landed in the violent regime of Milton Obote and miraculously escaped through the closed border back to Kenya. After Obote was defeated, they went back to Uganda where they pioneered the Quality Discipleship Churches now about 50 strong throughout the nation.

The Gichurus are a genuine spiritual dad and mom. Gichuru, hardly preaches and does not like to wear suits, opting for jeans. He is kind of an African Vineyard pastor. He has a heart to raise young people and by faith financially supports a number of them in his church. Jeremy and Eunice are kind hearted people and Biblical “givers” in the truest of scriptural sense. In my recent trip to Africa I spent a weekend with them in their home in Kampala, Uganda, as our USA team ministered in their church. I had also spent time with them in August of 2006.

The Gichurus have a beautiful home with about 12 bedrooms, each of them with a private bath, hot shower and and America toilet, extreme rarities in East Africa. The vision for their home is to have a place to lodge missionaries, just like our team, as we traveled through Kenya ad Uganda. The Gichurus live totally by faith. I call their home, “The House of Faith.” They began building on their property sixteen years ago, and continue to add to the structure as God brings in finances. Their home has been under continual construction all of these years. The heart of this couple is to have a missionary lodging place.

On this trip they were hosting a missionary from Fiji who was on his way back to Kenya. Eunice was running back and forth to the hospital with her daughter in law who was about to deliver and another son who has a one week old baby. They have different young people living with them who assist them with the ministry.

Gichuru is a global speaker. His itinerary from about July through December is filled up with travels to different continents including the USA. Wen I tried to telephone him today, he is with a missions team in Mabara, hundreds of miles away from Kampala.

The Gichurus did for our American missions team what is almost unheard of in Africa. The lodged and fed us, bought us bus tickets back to Nairobi, bought us American pizza and even bought gifts for our wives back in the USA. At our expense, they forewent paying their electricity so that our team could be provided for. I gave Gichuru 70.00 US which vanished in hours for some one who was in dire need. His church was hosting another 30 missionaries from numerous African countries.

Their main church in Kampala is another journey of faith. When I came to Uganda in 2006, the structure was virtually just a bunch of wooden planks holding up a metal roof. Today, though the church is still far from being completed, many more concrete facades and walls have been built. What is the vision for this building? A five story structure that will not only allow missionaries to lodge in the church, but which will have a training center for them as well.

Right after we got to their home Gichuru was coming off a fast of more than a year where he had gone without meat, until God brought in some needed money to continue building in his church. The Lord answered this need a week before we got there.

Now Gichuru is off the meat fast and is on a “chair” fast. Gichuru needs 90 chair at the cost of almost 900.00 for his growing church.
Someone just gave 250.00 dollars. The amount now is 650.00 dollars. For many months he has been fasting sitting on a chair at his church, and sits on a very small wooden stool, until the Lord brings in the money for his ninety chairs.

One this trip, the Lord spoke to me and told me to take this cause up for this great couple who live on the edge of faith, pouring out all which they have for the sake of missions and evangelism in the great country of Uganda.

Nine hundred dollars will meet the need of Gichuru’s 90 chairs and get him off the little stool which he has been sitting on for many months.

If you would like to help please contact me by a personal FB message. I also have PayPal on my ministry web site at http://www.thepattern.org/. I will take care of the Western Union money transfer. There is no overhead and no middle man. All the money will go directly to Apostle Gichuru.

He will be coming to Florida in November. I pray that you all have a chance to meet this very humble and simple man.

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